cuestiones clave Image Gallery Coaching for Managers Coaching for Managers Coaching for Teams. Barcelona ICF 2007 International Conference. New York ICF 2009 Intenational Conference. Orlando ICF International Conference ICF 2007 Intenational Conference. Long Beach. Joan C. King ICF 2007 Intenational Conference. Long Beach ICF 2008 Intenational Conference. Montreal. Diane Brennan Coaching for Managers Coaching for Managers Coaching for Teams. Barcelona ICF 2007 International Conference. New York ICF 2009 Intenational Conference. Orlando ICF International Conference ICF 2007 Intenational Conference. Long Beach. Joan C. King ICF 2007 Intenational Conference. Long Beach ICF 2008 Intenational Conference. Montreal. Diane BrennanContact us Phone Email Contact formContact us Phone Email Contact formCoaching for managers Coaching for executives Coaching for entrepreneurs of family-owned SMEs Coaching for teams Coaching for organizationsCoaching for managers Coaching for executivesCoaching for entrepreneurs of family-owned SMEsCoaching for teams Coaching for organizations