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      Question to former clients

      What did this coaching allowed you to improve?

      L.Q., Marketing & Creation Manager

      Deluxe packaging sector

      As the General Manager in a SME, aren’t changes in my company something for me to decide too?.

      When shareholding, managing and operations mix, it isn’t always easy to identify what driver inspires me to take decisions and helps me to get up in the morning…

      In order to keep uniqueness and a success position in a market at full speed it comes the unavoidable moment in which the multi-role situation needs to be questioned. I asked myself what part of me vas vital for our company model and which was my comfort zone. Besides, I wanted to know whether this part still was an actual need and whether I was competent in it. It’s crucial not failing to do this.

      I think that nobody can take enough distance of oneself to do this alone, or even to discover that the initial problem was another one.

      Claude appeared on the scene at the perfect moment, with exceptional listening capacities and a profundity that helped me to understand the meaning of professional coaching and benevolence. This allowed me to refocus after a process of reorganization. Now I carry out my tasks on marketing and creation more relaxed, I love what I do and I’m more exigent.

      Our company is stronger in its business model and its uniqueness.

      G.I., General Manager and CTO of the world group

      Chemistry sector

      Let me tell you that when I started our sessions of coaching I was a little bit sceptical about the necessity of this coaching. I though I was good enough to solve my professional problems and constraints on my own! I was totally wrong.

      Only the fact to have somebody of high level that understand your problems and can give to you a different point of view and have open discussion is a big advantage.

      Our conversations allowed me to realize of the real problems I had, I realize of the priorities to “attack” in order to improve in the day to day and to face in a better position some problems.

      First I wanted to focus our sessions in my leadership skills. But you realize very quickly that it was compulsory to face some internal communication problems with my direct boss.

      We discussed how to face this problems, if it was my fault or not, how I must face these stressed situation. All our conversations helped a lot to me.

      Not everything is solved of course but I think that now I’m more able to face in a better situation these problems. I’m stronger in my position. Or at least I can live better with these situations.

      L.D.T., Sales Manager

      Perfume packaging sector

      I gained self-confidence, which allowed me to take more perspective and to take decisions more quickly.

      I can communicate more positively, so the exchanges made between me and my colleagues are more fluent and constructive.

      All this allows me to manage my daily work much more comfortably.

      Q.M., Finance and Administration Department

      Agri-Food industry

      As the Director of Finance and Administration of an industrial company, it was difficult for me to set a trusting relationship with my boss because his introverted character unsettled me.

      Claude’s coaching allowed me to see what I was responsible of and what was the other responsible of, in other words, to get over my limitations.

      I learnt to retard entering stressful moments, expressing it and managing it. I worked on my empathy, that’s to say, on my capacity to welcome the other in their mood.

      From now on I accept my emotionalism and I make the most of it. Thanks to the work we did together I got my job done by far. In the future I will never face a mission in the same way.

      B.T., Supply Chain Manager

      Packing sector.

      After a very distressing year of destructive relationships with our former director, I was exhausted and I had lost all my self-confidence. My PDG suggested me to undertake coaching.

      I build a trusting relationship with Claude since the very first session. He helped me to understand and analyse my errors, to stop feeling guilty and to recover my self-confidence.

      Claude taught me how to see things differently, to change my approach and comprehension of events, situations and human relations.

      Since I better understand this process, I changed my behaviour and my stress level decreased. Now I enjoy life again and enjoy building positive relations in my professional environment.

      Apart from the results (understanding past events, stopping feeling guilty, implementing behaviour changes, analysing the results of these changes…), I remember the methodology applied in our sessions.

      Claude never gave a direct answer to my doubts or questions —he forced me to analyse, to understand the problem, to explore all possibilities by taking a step back.

      D.C., HR Company Manager

      Business sector

      Coaching allowed me to develop my managing skills by combining conventional tools and very effective personal methods of analysis and action.

      The results were really exciting, both in terms of comfort and performance of our team.

      Now I can explore new fields of personal development and growth.

      I’m very sure I want to keep it that way and I’m willing to do it again if necessary.

      F.E., Manager at a SME

      Automotive equipment sector

      Change management sessions allowed me, first of all, to bring up the problem. Secondly, I was able to analyse it and take a stance regarding the problem I had.

      Indeed, I stepped out of my comfort zone. Then we examined all possible solutions.
      The final decision was only mine to take, and I’ve never regretted it. On the contrary, this decision allowed me to evolve positively as a company manager.

      Nowadays, this experience helps me to be vigilant about the relationship I had with my co-workers, to be attentive to their needs, but I’m also more sober when taking decisions.

      I’m definitely more sober and efficient. If I needed to do it again, I wouldn’t hesitate.

      D.S., Company Vice-Chairman

      Agro-Food sector

      By undertaking coaching I could work on two key points:

      · How to better “direct” your boss? What can we accept?

      What kind of relationship do we need to develop so as to work in harmony? How to clarify the relationship? What contribution can we make to our boss? What can we expect from our boss?.

      In the course of this coaching, by answering these questions, I’ve focused in what is essential. I could better understand my environment and the nature of the relationship I had with my boss. I “saved energy” in order to focus in what was most important. When a conflict arrives, I’m more confident about my decisions and I can manage them in a responsible and “adult” way.

      · How to work better with your co-workers?

      By better understanding how relationships work, I could take a step back and be more attentive.

      Since I had to manage a multicultural team, I tried to better understand everyone’s expectations and thus make internal synergies to work better.

      C.Q., PDG in a familiar SME

      Business sector

      Managing a familiar company isn’t that easy. Especially when the characters of the two brothers that rule it are so different.

      After 12 years working together, I realized that the fact that we were increasingly disagreeing in our decisions was dramatically damaging us as well as our team. We were loosing professional efficiency and risking our filial relationship everyday.

      Working with Claude Bouyer allowed us to build new foundations for our relationship, based on understanding and dialogue, which improves both our professional and personal life.

      Now we can tell if our aggressive behaviour has personal or professional origins.

      Having this more and more clear allowed me to choose the appropriate moment to work with my brother and to adapt my attitude to the circumstances.

      This choice produces kindness and is possible when we acknowledge each other’s talents instead of our defects and builds a mutual legitimacy that never existed before.
      A trusting relationship arises and favours a powerful teamwork.

      In general, working with Claude allowed me to enter a sort of “third dimension” of managing: once I verified how much of our workers’ potential was wasted, I approached a process of improvement for and with them in which I aimed to acknowledge the potential that we wanted to use when we gathered the propitious conditions.

      I’m convinced that it’s this exciting manager’s role of building a good environment that gives a human dimension to business life.

      L.Q., Marketing & Creation Manager

      Deluxe packaging sector

      As the General Manager in a SME, aren’t changes in my company something for me to decide too?.

      When shareholding, managing and operations mix, it isn’t always easy to identify what driver inspires me to take decisions and helps me to get up in the morning…

      In order to keep uniqueness and a success position in a market at full speed it comes the unavoidable moment in which the multi-role situation needs to be questioned. I asked myself what part of me vas vital for our company model and which was my comfort zone. Besides, I wanted to know whether this part still was an actual need and whether I was competent in it. It’s crucial not failing to do this.

      I think that nobody can take enough distance of oneself to do this alone, or even to discover that the initial problem was another one.

      Claude appeared on the scene at the perfect moment, with exceptional listening capacities and a profundity that helped me to understand the meaning of professional coaching and benevolence. This allowed me to refocus after a process of reorganization. Now I carry out my tasks on marketing and creation more relaxed, I love what I do and I’m more exigent.

      Our company is stronger in its business model and its uniqueness.

      G.I., General Manager and CTO of the world group

      Chemistry sector

      Let me tell you that when I started our sessions of coaching I was a little bit sceptical about the necessity of this coaching. I though I was good enough to solve my professional problems and constraints on my own! I was totally wrong.

      Only the fact to have somebody of high level that understand your problems and can give to you a different point of view and have open discussion is a big advantage.

      Our conversations allowed me to realize of the real problems I had, I realize of the priorities to “attack” in order to improve in the day to day and to face in a better position some problems.

      First I wanted to focus our sessions in my leadership skills. But you realize very quickly that it was compulsory to face some internal communication problems with my direct boss.

      We discussed how to face this problems, if it was my fault or not, how I must face these stressed situation. All our conversations helped a lot to me.

      Not everything is solved of course but I think that now I’m more able to face in a better situation these problems. I’m stronger in my position. Or at least I can live better with these situations.

      L.D.T., Sales Manager

      Perfume packaging sector

      I gained self-confidence, which allowed me to take more perspective and to take decisions more quickly.

      I can communicate more positively, so the exchanges made between me and my colleagues are more fluent and constructive.

      All this allows me to manage my daily work much more comfortably.

      Q.M., Finance and Administration Department

      Agri-Food industry

      As the Director of Finance and Administration of an industrial company, it was difficult for me to set a trusting relationship with my boss because his introverted character unsettled me.

      Claude’s coaching allowed me to see what I was responsible of and what was the other responsible of, in other words, to get over my limitations.

      I learnt to retard entering stressful moments, expressing it and managing it. I worked on my empathy, that’s to say, on my capacity to welcome the other in their mood.

      From now on I accept my emotionalism and I make the most of it. Thanks to the work we did together I got my job done by far. In the future I will never face a mission in the same way.

      B.T., Supply Chain Manager

      Packing sector.

      After a very distressing year of destructive relationships with our former director, I was exhausted and I had lost all my self-confidence. My PDG suggested me to undertake coaching.

      I build a trusting relationship with Claude since the very first session. He helped me to understand and analyse my errors, to stop feeling guilty and to recover my self-confidence.

      Claude taught me how to see things differently, to change my approach and comprehension of events, situations and human relations.

      Since I better understand this process, I changed my behaviour and my stress level decreased. Now I enjoy life again and enjoy building positive relations in my professional environment.

      Apart from the results (understanding past events, stopping feeling guilty, implementing behaviour changes, analysing the results of these changes…), I remember the methodology applied in our sessions.

      Claude never gave a direct answer to my doubts or questions —he forced me to analyse, to understand the problem, to explore all possibilities by taking a step back.

      D.C., HR Company Manager

      Business sector

      Coaching allowed me to develop my managing skills by combining conventional tools and very effective personal methods of analysis and action.

      The results were really exciting, both in terms of comfort and performance of our team.

      Now I can explore new fields of personal development and growth.

      I’m very sure I want to keep it that way and I’m willing to do it again if necessary.

      F.E., Manager at a SME

      Automotive equipment sector

      Change management sessions allowed me, first of all, to bring up the problem. Secondly, I was able to analyse it and take a stance regarding the problem I had.

      Indeed, I stepped out of my comfort zone. Then we examined all possible solutions.
      The final decision was only mine to take, and I’ve never regretted it. On the contrary, this decision allowed me to evolve positively as a company manager.

      Nowadays, this experience helps me to be vigilant about the relationship I had with my co-workers, to be attentive to their needs, but I’m also more sober when taking decisions.

      I’m definitely more sober and efficient. If I needed to do it again, I wouldn’t hesitate.

      D.S., Company Vice-Chairman

      Agro-Food sector

      By undertaking coaching I could work on two key points:

      · How to better “direct” your boss? What can we accept?

      What kind of relationship do we need to develop so as to work in harmony? How to clarify the relationship? What contribution can we make to our boss? What can we expect from our boss?.

      In the course of this coaching, by answering these questions, I’ve focused in what is essential. I could better understand my environment and the nature of the relationship I had with my boss. I “saved energy” in order to focus in what was most important. When a conflict arrives, I’m more confident about my decisions and I can manage them in a responsible and “adult” way.

      · How to work better with your co-workers?

      By better understanding how relationships work, I could take a step back and be more attentive.

      Since I had to manage a multicultural team, I tried to better understand everyone’s expectations and thus make internal synergies to work better.

      C.Q., PDG in a familiar SME

      Business sector

      Managing a familiar company isn’t that easy. Especially when the characters of the two brothers that rule it are so different.

      After 12 years working together, I realized that the fact that we were increasingly disagreeing in our decisions was dramatically damaging us as well as our team. We were loosing professional efficiency and risking our filial relationship everyday.

      Working with Claude Bouyer allowed us to build new foundations for our relationship, based on understanding and dialogue, which improves both our professional and personal life.

      Now we can tell if our aggressive behaviour has personal or professional origins.

      Having this more and more clear allowed me to choose the appropriate moment to work with my brother and to adapt my attitude to the circumstances.

      This choice produces kindness and is possible when we acknowledge each other’s talents instead of our defects and builds a mutual legitimacy that never existed before.
      A trusting relationship arises and favours a powerful teamwork.

      In general, working with Claude allowed me to enter a sort of “third dimension” of managing: once I verified how much of our workers’ potential was wasted, I approached a process of improvement for and with them in which I aimed to acknowledge the potential that we wanted to use when we gathered the propitious conditions.

      I’m convinced that it’s this exciting manager’s role of building a good environment that gives a human dimension to business life.

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